Vergemoli and Casa Debbio

It wasn’t raining yesterday so I went up the mountain to Vergemoli. It looks out over a winter landscape.
Casa Debbio is more than 600 metres above sea level, so the garden is a little behind Ponte a Serraglio. A few daffodils are out, but most are still on the way.
Casa Debbio
Casa Debbio
Casa Debbio
This might not look very exciting to you, but I am thrilled to see one of my peonies starting to shoot.
Casa Debbio
The tree peonies are a little further ahead. I can see new leaves and one even has flower buds. I really can’t wait to see these babies grow.
Casa Debbio
The weeping cherry has buds.
Casa Debbio
The magnolia is covered in flower buds.
Casa Debbio
Casa Debbio
All of my hydrangeas are starting to bloom, the roses have new leaves, the lavender is sitting quietly waiting for some warm sun. It is difficult to believe that this will all be green in a few weeks.
Casa Debbio
The cherry, hazelnut and chestnut trees will have blossoms and leaves any minute now.
Casa Debbio
I have found some great things for the garden. Spring plants are just beginning to appear in the nurseries, so that will have to wait a few weeks, but at nearby Alberigi I have spotted a pair of marble columns that would look at home in the garden and a terracotta oven that looks amazing. I think they need to be mine. I will show you when they are in place.